Preparatory and language course – Slovak

Preparatory and language course – Slovak

Language and specialised preparation for studies in the Slovak language for foreign students affected by the war in Ukraine


The Pan-European University is launching a language and preparatory programme for undergraduate and postgraduate studies in Slovak for foreign applicants affected by the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army.

Citizens of Ukraine, as well as citizens of other countries who openly disapprove of the authorities’ actions and oppose the war, can take a one-year intensive course in Slovak language and specialist training that will enable them to enrol in one of the departments of the Pan-European University.

The programme accepts students with zero knowledge of Slovak. The training is designed specifically for students whose mother tongue is Slavic, which allows them to study at a fast pace. The programme includes a general course of Slovak language and a specialised course focused on the field of professional communication (depending on the chosen direction of the student: law, psychology, economics, media communication, or IT).

The training is based on a communicative approach – developing receptive and productive speech skills (reading, listening, writing, and speaking), as well as immersion in a cultural environment. One of the main goals of the course is to facilitate the integration of foreign students into Slovak society, to familiarise them with the realia, traditions and customs of Slovakia, as well as the fundamental rights and obligations of foreigners in Slovakia and the European Union.

All course teachers are qualified to teach Slovak, are native speakers and have experience in teaching foreigners. Quality textbooks, a large amount of original material and modern technology are used in the teaching.

From the second semester, special attention is paid to the development of communication skills in a university environment. Students learn to use terminology, learn typical grammatical structures for academic writing, analyse academic literature in Slovak, write notes, write papers and give presentations. In this way, the programme develops not only language competencies, but also study skills. Having completed special training, international students can confidently start their studies at the Pan-European University.

At the end of the two-semester course, students take a comprehensive exam in Slovak at the B2 level of the CEFR and receive a certificate.

Pan-European University has been supporting Ukrainian citizens since the beginning of the war. Part of the proceeds from the programme will go to aid Ukraine.


Implementation dates of the programme:

1.7.2023 – 31.8.2024

1.9.2023 – 31.8.2024

1.10.2023 – 31.8.2024


Tuition fee:

5100 EUR (870 academic hours) / 4434 EUR (620 academic hours)


Requirements for participants:

Completed secondary education



Ing. Radka Sabová-Straková

Pan-European University, Rector’s Office, Tomášikova 20, SK-82102 Bratislava

Tel: +421-2-48208804



Student office:

Mgr. et Mgr. Daria Bicelli

