doc. RNDr. Vladimír Palko, CSc.
Funkcia: Docent
Pracovisko: Ústav aplikovanej informatiky
Vyučované predmety:
- Matematika 1
- Diskrétna matematika
- Diskétna a aplikovaná matematika
Najvýznamnejšie publikácie:
V Palko: The weak convergence of unit vectors to zero in the Hilbert space is the convergence of one-dimensional subspaces in the order topology
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 123 (3),1995, 715-721
V. Palko: Topologies on quantum logics induced by measures.Mathematica Slovaca 39 (2), 175-189
M Erné, V Palko:Uniform ideal complestions. Mathematica Slovaca 48 (4), 327-335
V. Palko: Topological difference posets. Mathematica Slovaca 47 (3), 211-220.
V. Palko: A Note on the Social Security Systems with Built-in pro-fertility Measure. Current Issues of Science and Research in the Global World. International Scientific and Research Conference. Pan European University. Vienna, May 27th and 28th, 2014